2D CAD drawings (AutoCAD)

AutoCAD is a 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software application for desktops, web, and mobile devloped by Autodesk. AutoCAD is a general drafting and design application used in industry by architects, inteterior designes, project managers, engineers, graphic designers, city planners, and other profrssionals to prepare technical drawings. 

AutoCAD can't be used without proper template. Every organization needs a comprehensive and prperly constructed template file. A good template file can help enforce CAD standards and also allows designers and other team members to rapidly find CAD items such as blocks, layers, and linetypes. Template is based on the widely used layer conventions NCS or National CAD standard. Using NCS compliant template for preparing a drawing means that your organization has a much better chance of being able to work with other organizations in the United States more seemlessly as they will have less questions for you regarding your layering. Linetypes, blocks, styles, and layouts are also decided for creating a template file.